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Christina Berkeley – Elements of a Sustainable



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The purpose of Elements of a Sustainable course

This Christina Berkeley – Elements of a Sustainable is to set you up for your coaching and have you do Some preliminary deep dive work on your own.
These questions are designed to bring to the surface the areas that you may want to focus on during our time together. This way, we get to dive in deep immediately and maximize our precious time.
In spending time filling this out you will begin to answer some of your own questions, and that is the beauty of coaching, you already have the answers, it’s simply a question of accessing them.
So give yourself the gift of time and space to complete this. Take yourself off to an inspiring, calm environment and answer with honesty.

Step by step of Elements of a Sustainable

Element 1 Building An Empowering Community

Topics includes:

How to go beyond just likes and subscribers to build a truly empowering community that serves a broad range of people and gets your message out
How to use your community platform to establish your expertise and credibility
Learn how to leverage the impact in your community to create your dream clients
Get the exact how-tos of running a powerful community, both online and in-person with best practices to follow and loads of ideas you can adapt to your unique style and personality
PLUS: Tools to easily manage newsletters, blogs, webinars and more so you can choose which one serves you best

Element II Deeper & More Powerful 1-on-1 Coaching

Topics includes:

The secret to charging higher rates for your 1-on-1 coaching and how to position it to attract highly committed clients
Optimal pricing structures to fit the different times in an entrepreneur cycles, as well as pricing structures for non-profits and corporate clients
Get the exact how-to’s to powerfully run 1-on-1 coaching sessions, deliver impact even between sessions, and how to close renewals and referrals
The real answer to the pressing question: “Should I display my rates on my website?”
PLUS: Sample contracts, agreements, welcome pack, pre/post-session reports, journaling and other materials to smoothly facilitate 1-on-1 sessions

Element III Dynamic Group Coaching

Topics includes:

Learn how to optimise your time to enjoy more freedom while increasing your impact
Discover how group coaching can bring a completely different dynamic that your clients will love
Get the exact how-to’s you need to confidently run group coaching (even if you’ve never done one before!) with exact guidelines on logistics, softwares, and structure
How to deal with difficult group members who are being problematic without attacking them while powerfully serving them
PLUS: 3 powerful exercises from Brian Johnson, Michael Nell and Sean Stephenson to supercharge your group coaching skills

Element IV Up Close & Personal – Apprenticeship / Mentorship

Topics includes:

Understand what an apprenticeship or mentorship truly entails and how it can deliver an ongoing, deeper training to reach greater heights and open exciting new possibilities
How to position your apprenticeship or mentorship services to attract highly successful people (even those who most people think don’t need coaching!)
Tips to add deliver extra value to your clients in your apprenticeship or mentorship program
Get the exact how-tos from structuring different levels of apprenticeship or mentorship programs to pricing and logistics
PLUS: How to create a deeper, more personal relationship that help your clients succeed beyond their wildest dreams

Element V Transformative Intensives

Topics includes:

Understand what an intensive truly entails and how it can powerfully serve a truly transformational impact in less time
Tips to add more dynamic, joy and diversity to your coaching practice with intensives that leave a truly lasting impact your clients will remember for life
Guidelines on how to structure the price of an intensive, including a logistics checklist that you need to consider
Get the exact how-tos for both online and in-person sessions, including how to follow-up post session to ensure lasting impact and momentum of their progress
PLUS: Specific example with exact details of how to structure exciting, powerful and transformational intensives unique to your strengths

Element VI The Art of Authentic Sales

Topics includes:

How to market to and appeal to a broad range of people with different needs, budgets and goals
The optimal number of options to have on your menu of services that doesn’t overwhelm your potential clients (or you!)
Why you shouldn’t trade hours for dollars with hourly rates and what you should do instead
Exact how-tos on managing different payment options, such as up-front payment, payment plans and automatic payments
PLUS: Tips to find your “Happy Price” with a powerful exercise from Michael Ellsberg

Element VII Powerful Worksheets

Topics includes:

Sample worksheets from marketing to logistics, assessments, homework and contracts that you can adapt or use right away
Pricing worksheets so you’re no longer stabbing in the dark and experimenting with what your prices should be
PLUS: Filtering questions you can use to ensure you create the committed clients perfectly aligned with your style and that you are super excited to work with

Who is Christina Berkley

Christina Berkley is a passionate advocate for people that would to stand in their own POWER. As a life coach and speaker living in NY City, she has worked with customer that include moms, politicians, celebrities, musicians, activists, entrepreneurs, and other coaches. By working with people to develop their unique strengths, she thrives when she sees her clients transform and make huge impacts in the world.

Her motivations to coach are a lot like yours, really. Passionate to share her unique gifts, she knew that coaching was her calling. Nothing gave her as much joy than to help someone achieve life-changing breakthroughs.

So she pursued coaching on her own. With no guidance, system, or mentors, she struggled. She was living under poverty level in New York City. She couldn’t even afford to buy new boots from PayLess and remembers walking through a slushy ice storm with wet socks and frostbite. Her roommates were letting her eat their food because she couldn’t afford food.

However, Christina was determined to make it work. She got part-time jobs and whatever it took to get by. She muddled around for over three years, trying to figure out the ways and practices to sustain herself as a coach. Eventually, she managed to acquire clients and was even holding events and giving talks as a coach. From the outside looking in, it would seem that she had finally found success. But in reality, things were still bleak.

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